2. Sanyakhuna (Meat Jelly with fish)

Takha and Sanyakhuna
Sanyakhuna is a Jellied meat soup with fish .It is closely related to takha(Meat Jelly). Buffalo meat and bones are cooked separately for about three to four hours in a large cauldron. To the warm broth, a little bit of dried fish, hing and a large amount of red chillies are added. Later it is allowed to settle into a pudding to set jelly. It can only be made during the cold season as it need to freeze well.

Sanyakhuna is a very special newari dish.

Sanyakhuna is generally only eaten on special occasions by Newars. It is prepared for large and happy feasts, where it is one of the most essential items. Nowadays, it is available in many Newari restautants.

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