Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Newari Traditional Ceremony During Lifetime

Newar people celebrates different ceremonies from birth till death. Some of the main events and ceremonies that newar people celebrates in there life time are as follows:
Barha Teyegu

Machabu Byankegu(Nwaran in Nepali)

This ceremony is performed to give a birth name to a child according to his/her lunar horoscope
and to purify the mother and child.
This is performed between four to eleven days after birth.

Macha Janku(Pasni in Nepali)

This ceremony is performed to feed rice first time at the age of six or eight months for
 boys and at the age of five or seven months for girls.

Ehee(Bel Bibaha in Nepali)

This ceremony is performed for a female child to marriage with betel nuts
( which represents Lord Vishnu) between the ages of five to nine.

Bahra Tayegu (Gufa rakhne in Nepali): 

This ceremony is performed for a female child to marriage with sun.She is kept in a room for 12 days hidden from the sun.
At 12th day they will marry with Sun.

Kayta Puja(Bartaband in Nepali)

As a male child approaches puberty, the Kayta Puja, a rite of initiation, is performed.
Shakyas and Bajracharyas perform Bare Chhuyegu which is initiation into the monkhood.
The boy disrobes and goes back to being a layman after four days.



This is an old-age ceremony which is conducted when a person reaches the age of 77 years,
seven months and seven days.
Further Janku ceremonies are performed at similar auspicious milestones.
Know Newar community
Written by Know Newar Community

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